1. It's amazing.
2. December's issue features This is Small House and our in home studio.
Oh right, it's not Rolling Stone... it's COVET GARDEN
"Covet Garden is for folks who are curious about real spaces. We take a peek into the homes and lives of some of the city’s most interesting people—spaces that have not been styled by interior decorators. Covet Garden is inspirational, not aspirational." Covet Garden.
If you haven't seen the magazine yet the great thing is that Covet Garden launched in September so there are now some back issues online... you know the feeling you get bringing home season 1 of Madmen on DVD... yeah, same thing.
We can't wait for the December issue to launch (we haven't even seen it finished yet). We DO know that we loved having 4 lovely ladies into our home to snoop, look, question... frame and photograph our world.
I myself am a bit of a homebody and require at least 3 distinct areas in my home. That is somewhere to sleep, somewhere to relax and somewhere to work. It will be interesting to see how this translates to the page.
Here is a little taste of what's to come. (Heather in our home studio).
